5 Natural and Homemade Raspberry Face Masks

When speaking about berries and you hear the word “superfood,” many things come to mind, but usually, raspberries aren’t one of them. However, it appears we might be underrating these mid-summer berries. According to the various researchers, red raspberries contain many compounds such as vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin E, quercetin, and gallic acid. These compounds are responsible for all skincare benefits that raspberries are known for, like rejuvenating and brightening the skin and significantly improving its elasticity. Raspberries are particularly advantageous for oily skin, but other skin types would benefit from using these berries as well. One of the quickest ways to use them to your skin’s advantage is to make homemade raspberry face masks:

Raspberry and yogurt mask

The most basic raspberry mask I know and, therefore, super easy to make. Raspberries work as astringent and skin brightener, while yogurt gives an extra boost in moisture and helps even out the skin tone.
How: simply squash eight raspberries and mix them with 1 – 2 tablespoons of plain, natural yogurt. You can use a blender, but I tend it to do the old-fashioned way and use a fork. Apply the mixture on a clean, dry skin, leave for 10-15 minutes, and rinse it off with warm water. Additionally, improve this mask by adding one tablespoon of raw honey, which helps to lock moisture into the skin.

Raspberry, oats, and green tea mask

This mask is awesome! It does not provide any hydration, but it’s excellent for revitalizing and toning the skin.
How: you’ll need 6-8 crushed raspberries, one teabag of, preferably organic, green tea (I use Yogi Pure Green Tea), and one tablespoon of soaked oats. Steep a tea bag in hot water for a minute, let it cool, then cut it open and mix tea leaves with raspberries and oats. Apply to clean, damp skin for about 10 – 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water afterward.

Raspberry, oats, and clay mask

For gentle skin cleansing and purifying, try this easy raspberry face mask with clay and ground oatmeal.
How: mash up a handful of raspberries (about eight berries), mix them with one tablespoon of any clay (I prefer kaolin clay or pink clay or even my ready-to-use Cattier Yellow Clay Mask), then add one tablespoon of ground oats. If you think that the mask is too dry, add some water (a teaspoon or two). Apply the mixture on clean skin and rinse off after 10 minutes.

Raspberry, honey, and coconut oil mask

I heard excellent reviews about this mask, but haven’t tried it myself yet, since I avoid honey in my skincare. The mask is supposed to be highly moisturizing, so let me know if you had a chance to try it.
How: mix a handful (about 6-8) of crushed raspberries with one tablespoon of unrefined coconut oil and one teaspoon of raw honey. Apply to clean skin, leave for 10 minutes, and rinse it with warm water.

Raspberry, banana, avocado, and oatmeal mask

This mask is a more advanced than the rest raspberry face masks because it requires more ingredients and a blender. Though you can still mash up the ingredients with a fork, it just takes more work. Suitable for all skin types, but especially for dry and dehydrated skin.
How: mix a few slices of banana with half of avocado, a handful of raspberries, and one tablespoon of ground oats. Add some water or almond milk and blend until the mix turns into a smooth consistency. You can combine it all by hand, just expect chunks of oatmeal. Apply on clean skin, wash off after 10-15 minutes with warm water.

Have you tried any of these DIY raspberry mask recipes?

Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger
Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger

I’m Inga, the creator of this online place called Organic Beauty Blogger. Since 2013, I’ve been on a mission to redefine beauty by sharing my insights into the world of green beauty.

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Emilie Pageau
Emilie Pageau
8 years ago

Hi, by the way, your blog is AWESOME! I keep fiding out cool stuff that are good for my life and everything. I tried number 5 and IT IS AWESOME! Right after I removed it, I could see a difference, by the touch, my skin is softer, it’s just amazing. The only thing that boders me is that you have to lay down with the mask on because it drops, I had some in my eyes and I got some in my hair… Anyways 🙂 thanks again, you’re a source of inspiration for me 😀

Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger
Reply to  Emilie Pageau

Thank you for your kind words, Emilie! I’m really happy you found the recipe useful. DIY raspberry face masks are one of my favorites 🙂

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