Rahua Hydration Hair Detangler | Short Review

Rahua Hydrating DetanglerI love having highlights in my hair, but that comes with a huge responsibility. A responsibility to take care of my hair like it’s my favorite child. For the longest time, my preffered detangler was this John Masters Organics Bare Detangler, which did a really good job managing my lightened, wavy hair. But you know what always happens with your most favorite hair care products? Nine times out of ten they get discontinued. Just like that, no explanations given. So after finishing my last drops of Bare goodness, I went on a quest to find something equally as good, or even better. There are plenty of natural hair detanglers out there, but after a few other (not very successful) tries, this Rahua Hydration Detangler caught my eye. 

Rahua is one of the most luxurious organic hair care brands I know. And even though their Color Full Shampoo did not agree with my hair, the conditioner was a massive success. So, naturally, I was hoping for this leave-in detangler to be a success, too.

The first thing I want to address here is the packaging. I’m all for beautiful, recyclable packaging. I’m a visual person, so naturally, I gravitate towards aesthetically pleasing bottles and tubes. Now, you can feel that “but” coming, don’t you? You’re right. BUT, even though this Rahua Hydration Detangler spray bottle looks cute, the spray itself does not work well. Instead of distributing the detangler evenly to my hair, it squirts it in patches, making it difficult to use. It could be because it is too thick, but in that case, they could’ve used a tube instead of the spray. I might sound like I’m too picky, but I just like things to function like they’re supposed to.

As for the product itself, it is amazing. My hair is much easier to comb through, way less frizzy, and because there’s an additional UV defense barrier, it’s a perfect choice for summer. I still have less than half of the bottle to go through, but so far, I like it a lot.

Rahua Hydration Detangler retails for $12 for a 2oz/60ml travel size bottle and for $34 for 6.a 5oz/193ml full-size bottle.

Have you tried Rahua Hydration Detangler?

Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger
Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger

I’m Inga, the creator of this online place called Organic Beauty Blogger. Since 2013, I’ve been on a mission to redefine beauty by sharing my insights into the world of green beauty.

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