Viridian Hyaluronic Acid Vegetarian Supplement

Viridian Hyaluronic Acid Vegetarian SupplementsHyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body, beneficial for our body (bones and joints) and skin. It is associated with anti-aging and skin moisturizing abilities, so that’s why you hear that this ingredient in beneficial and is often added to skin care products. Still, the true hyaluronic acid has pretty large molecules, and this makes it harder to absorb when applied topically, so it’s more common to see sodium hyaluronate instead. Sodium hyaluronate is a sodium salt of the hyaluronic acid and has much smaller molecules that are easier for the skin to absorb and hold moisture much more effectively. However, we are not talking about sodium hyaluronate today, we are talking about hyaluronic acid – in particular, Viridian Hyaluronic Acid vegetarian supplement (30 capsules) and what good it can do to us.

I have never tried a supplement like this, so I was very intrigued. It comes in a dark glass jar, so it’s great to store. I adore that small detail, a heart, on its black lid – makes the packaging super cute. The capsules are 100% vegetarian, made from vegetarian cellulose. Hyaluronic acid is mixed in a base of spirulina, bilberry, and alfalfa. It’s recommended to take one to three capsules daily with food, and because I wanted fast and noticeable results, of course, I took three capsules per day. The capsules are medium-sized and easy to swallow.

I am actually hooked on natural vitamins at the moment (you can read about my recent choices) just because after I started taking them regularly, I have so much more energy, my anxiety is milder, and my skin is less dry – what’s not to love? I was taking HUM Red Carpet at the same time as Viridian Hyaluronic Acid and, I must say, the mix worked really well. You know that it’s pretty hard to describe the results of any supplement because it isn’t always easy to tell whether the benefits you feel are from the supplement or related to anything else. I didn’t notice any changes regarding my fine lines, but I believe these supplements played a big part in my overall health and that my skin is in a much better condition at the moment.

Viridian Hyaluronic Acid can be found here and here for $18/£14.40 for 30 capsules.

Let me know if you have tried Hyaluronic acid supplements or any other supplements from Vidirian! 

Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger
Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger

I’m Inga, the creator of this online place called Organic Beauty Blogger. Since 2013, I’ve been on a mission to redefine beauty by sharing my insights into the world of green beauty.

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Eloise Balazs
Eloise Balazs
9 years ago

I’ve been thinking about trying these but I am currently taking a high dose of iron supplements I wonder if it would be safe for me to take these as well.
Eloise x|

Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger
Reply to  Eloise Balazs

Just to be on the safe side, I think it’s best to contact and ask your doctor about that, Eloise 🙂

Eloise Balazs
Eloise Balazs
9 years ago

Thank you I will do 🙂

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