Take Your Vitamins

Natural Vegan Daily Supplements“Take your vitamins.” Haven’t we all heard this growing up? I still hear this from my grandma, she’s constantly concerned with my (and the rest of my family’s) health and well-being, and I’m so grateful to her for that. This stash may seem like a lot at first sight, but some of these supplements I take only occasionally if needed. I was not a regular supplement taker in the past, but after I had started eating more healthy and taking supplements, I noticed a positive change in my anxiety. I always opt for natural (organic, if possible) and vegan supplements, because I believe that natural sources are as effective or even more effective and beneficial for the health than mainstream vitamins.

Nature’s Plus Just Vitamins (60 tablets)
This is a multi-vitamin supplement for general well-being containing a broad range of essential vitamins. I think it’s important to take supplements now and then, especially now that I’m feeling fatigued after a long winter and I’m in need to increase my energy levels. Nature’s Plus Just Vitamins are free of gluten, soy, milk, wheat, and yeast.

Natrol Mood+ Tangerine (30 tablets)
This supplement promises to promote a positive mood, relaxation, and mental focus. Usually, I’m in a good mood anyway so I won’t comment on that; however, it contains good amounts of plant-sourced 5-HTP (from an African bush Griffonia Simplicifolia), Amla extract, and L-theanine as well as vitamins B-6 and B-12. These ingredients are key to softening anxiety symptoms, calming your mind, and staying focused and relaxed. I had good experience with Viridian’s L-theanine supplement, so after finishing it, I decided to try this Natrol supplement and was left a bit disappointed. It tastes terrible! You have to dissolve a tablet in your mouth, so you can’t really avoid the taste. Maybe I should try a different flavor next time. If you have any allergies, Natrol is free of yeast, milk, egg, and soy.

NatraBio Insomnia Relief (60 tablets)
This is one of the supplements I take only occasionally when I have serious trouble sleeping. It includes natural calming herbs like chamomile, valerian root, and passion flower. The problem is, it just doesn’t work for me. I follow instructions, but if I have insomnia, it makes no difference if I take the supplement or not.

Sanatur BIO Spirulina (100 tablets)
I bought this BIO Spirulina supplement some time ago, but I was taking another supplement the time, and just recently gave this one a try. Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae, which is a great source of protein and GLA (a natural anti-inflammatory agent). Also, it has immune boosting and detoxifying benefits. I have yet to try it in smoothies!

What supplements do you take?



Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger
Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger

I’m Inga, the creator of this online place called Organic Beauty Blogger. Since 2013, I’ve been on a mission to redefine beauty by sharing my insights into the world of green beauty.

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9 years ago

I#d like Sanatur, espacialy their Ansthaxantin they combined it with some other Antioxidants very well. They have well combined stuff and a good Quality. I’d like Spirulina and stuff like that. Vitamines and healthy nutritiens in a natural complex way, not isolated vitamines and stuff like that. And yes i believe that it work when you take it consequently.

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